Notice Of Annual General Meeting

News & Reports
Notice is hereby given that the 32nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Naara Rural Bank PLC will be held at the Auditorium of the Notre Dame Minor Seminary, Navrongo on 2nd December, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. prompt. The Guest of Honour will be the Deputy Managing Director of ARB Apex Bank PLC - Accra, Lawyer CURTIS BRANTUO.


   1)     To read the Notice convening the meeting

2)     To receive the Directors and Chairman’s Report

3)    To receive and adopt the Financial Reports of the Bank together with the Reports of the Directors and the External Auditors for the year ended 31st December, 2022

4)      To approve Directors Allowances and Fees

5)   To authorize Directors to negotiate and fixed the fees of External Auditors

6)        To elect a Director for the Navrongo Zone

 Dated this 2nd day of November, 2023 at Paga


Shareholders are to note that elections this year will be confined to only Navrongo zone. 

Interested Shareholders who wish to contest for the elections should be guided by the following qualification criteria:

1.      Applicant must be a shareholder with a minimum share value of not less than GHS40,000 acquired on or before 31st December, 2022. 

2.      Applicant must possess a minimum qualification of first degree certificate with appropriate experience, competencies and personal qualities, including professionalism and integrity. The competencies of Directors shall be diverse and shall cover a blend of the following fields: Banking, Audit, Law, Finance, Accounting, Economics, Information and Communication Technology, Entrepreneurship, Risk Management, Strategic Planning, Corporate Governance and other areas that the Bank of Ghana deems fit (Bank of Ghana 2021 Corporate Governance Directive for RCBs).

3.     All shareholders within the Navrongo zone who wish to take part in the voting process are encouraged to register at the Navrongo Branch before the AGM day to enable the bank compile the voter register for a smooth election process.  The registration process will end on 30th November, 2023 at 2:00 PM

4.   Voting for the Directors shall be strictly for Shareholders with a minimum shareholding value of GHS100 on or before 31st December 2022.

5.    Shareholders who wish to vote by proxy are encouraged to pick proxy forms from any of the Bank’s Branches and return same on or before 30th November 2023 by 2:00 PM

6.  Shareholders who wish to contest the elections should contact the Chief Executive Officer of the bank for nomination forms.  The forms should be endorsed by a Nominator and a Seconder from the same Zone with the minimum required shares for the period ended 31st December, 2022.  Completed nomination forms should be submitted to the Secretary not later than 13th November, 2023.

There would be sensitization of shareholders on the new shareholders policy by deputy Managing Director of ARB APEX BANK Plc-Accra, Lawyer CURTIS BRANTUO.

Note:   Shareholders are also entreated to pick the audited accounts at their respective branches of the Bank for the account details.  All shareholders should endeavour to attend this very important meeting promptly and attendance shall be strictly by presentation of a share certificate or receipt. However, shareholders registration will close at 12pm prompt. Elections will start at 8:30 am and close at 11:00 am.


                     BY ORDER OF THE BOARD